Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry provides Christ-centered fellowship that unites the women of Renaissance Church for spiritual growth and support. Women’s Ministry includes classes, community-building events, and groups for moms.
Women’s Ministry provides Christ-centered fellowship that unites the women of Renaissance Church for spiritual growth and support. Women’s Ministry includes classes, community-building events, and groups for moms.
This class is a great way for women at Renaissance Church to learn from the Bible and create community with each other. Each class includes a study with daily readings and questions. Smaller groups meet for discussion and then unite for a lecture and brief time of worship. Each session includes anywhere from six to twenty weeks of classes.
Register for Living Truth Study (A Bible Class for Women) here.
MomCo is designed to gather and support moms of all children (birth through high school). Formerly MOPS, this group is an International organization that has equipped and encouraged moms for over forty-five years. MomCo meets seasonally every first and third Thursday mornings of the month and provide a chance to learn and support each other in large and small group settings. Childcare is provided.